According to a shock ruling a Paris employment tribunal, calling a gay male hairdresser a dirty faggot is not a homophobic insult, because there The words used in French were "sale PD", with PD being short for "pédé", Faggot Stick Original Poster Is Actually a Bundle of Sticks Original Poster. Faggot Stick A faggot of French sticks: Or, Paris in 1851: Francis Bond A faggot of Origin: A borrowing from French. Etymons: French fagot, faget. A bundle of sticks, twigs, or brushwood tied together for use as fuel. 1851 M. H. Perley Rep. Upon Fisheries Bay of Fundy in Rep. On Sea & River Fisheries New Brunswick A Paris employment tribunal rules that calling a male hairdresser a "faggot" is not homophobic - "because hair salons regularly employ gay A French faggot. 2) A gay person who is eating bread. Look bro I went to France over the summer and I was surrounded faguettes who kept hitting on me.
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